20190609 113553

The Word of God is quick and Powerful

  While visiting my boyfriend’s home as a teenager, his grandmother had always reminded me to be careful going up and down the stair case off the kitchen as there …


Medications no longer necessary

Early in the 2000’s my wife and I were directed to open our home and adopt! Going through the process with the system, While filling out the application and having …

20191203 175940

Hearing Restored

  My oldest daughter, Patty, struggled with hearing loss in one of her ears when she was  about 5 or 6 years old. Prayerful support was given by a Christian …

Drue's Daughter

Issue of Blood Healed

When my only child was about 18 months old, I suffered a condition where my monthly feminine cycle did not cease and the continual bleeding made me very weak and …