The Story of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton Tx

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First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton, Tx 1967 First Rendition

The Story of the little Christian Science Church on Texas Street in Denton Tx.  This Church was organized as a Christian Science Society in March of 1954. The group became recognized as a Christian Science Church in June 1963. The congregation began plans for a new church building in 1965.  This Building was completed  in October 1966  with the formal opening announcement made in The Denton Chronicle April 14, 1967.  I found a hand rendered floor plan dated October 1965 Perhaps this is where the ideas began.  I also found the original  floor plan with the name Bob Miller Designer which seems to be the final plan and a newspaper announcement of the opening of the new building

The project budget was $32,000 including all the rugs, furniture, seats and other equipment.  $10,000 was being raised by the membership and the remaining $22,000 was funded through a 20 year loan.

Notice the dark wood paneling on the podium and the dark wood on the lectern. These will be the first things to go in the following remodels. The style of a raised podium with a little wall separating it from the auditorium is a typical Christian Science church element.  The chairs on the podium are still in the building today.

The exterior was designed in a New England Colonial style to recognized the founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy.  Eddy was from the New England area.  The headquarters of the world wide Christian Science church is in Boston, MA.


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1965 Floor Plan for First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton, Tx
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Architectural plan of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton by Bob Miller Designer


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Architectural Drawings of First Church of Christs, Scientist, Denton by Bob Miller Designer



I think it was a fun discovery to see that the drawings specify Pink Paint in this bathroom and there is pink paint shown below on this bit of wall that was behind the mirror.


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Original Pink Paint color in the bathroom off the Foyer


Here is a bit of very light green paint as specified in the drawing again found behind the mirror in this bathroom.


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Original Green Paint second bathroom
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Original Formica light green pattern


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