Dallas Metroplex Hot Dog Roast for DiscoveryBound Outreach
Find out more about DiscoveryBound from Lee Anne Meidell, DiscoveryBound’s Outreach Manager, while enjoying fun and games with people of all ages.
When: Saturday, October 16th, 2021, 3-5:30 PM
Where: Cottonwood Park, 1301 W. Beltline Rd, Richardson, TX
Who: Christian Scientists of all ages and their families and friends
Cost: $1 per person, not to exceed $5 per family
Bring: A side dish or dessert to share
RSVP: by Thursday, October 14th to Debby Barron at 214-883-4346 (call or text)
We hope you will join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship and to learn more about what DB has to offer our local community and nationally.
DiscoveryBound is a year-round program for individuals of all ages to experience Christian Science in action. We offer fellowship through inspiring recreational, leadership and service opportunities on local, national and international levels.
DiscoveryBound is a division of Adventure Unlimited

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