Christian Science came into my life at the perfect time! I suffered a seeming chronic stuttering issue from time to time growing up and by the time I started high school it was a continuous problem. I grew up as a Christian in Nigeria and was a member of various doctrines down the line.
When High School was over, I decided to take a year off and focus on soccer. During that time, I got tired of not being able to exchange pleasantries fluently, pronounce my own name or have a full conversation without stress. I was angry at myself and constantly said “why me”. I would imagine a time in which I would be able to have a full conversation with friends, family, and strangers without a severe stutter.
I decided to switch churches since I was in search of something different. My first Sunday school service at my local Christian Science branch church was life changing, I felt welcomed, at peace and was moved to contribute in Sunday school without being judged or feeling less than.
Fast-forward to my time at Principia College, a college near St Louis , Mo. for Christian Scientists. I started my freshman year still seeking truly clear speech. My stuttering problem had gotten better in many situations since I began studying Christian Science but not fully healed.
Then, It seemed like the problem was getting worse during my Freshman and Sophomore year, I was unable to communicate fluently in social situations, class presentations and in general conversation from time to time. I got tired of hiding it and the shame it brought me and decided to try every physical means to get better. All to no avail! I was frustrated again and during one of my internships, I texted one of my professors at Principia College for some inspiration and she provided some words that I will cherish for life and challenged me to read the Bible and Science and Health aloud every night before I went to sleep and the stuttering problem was cured. That was a changing point in my life, I became more confident in social situations, presentations, my job and communicating overall. It still comes from time to time but God has proven to me over time to trust in him and allow him to speak through me as I am just a vessel.
In Conclusion, Christian Science is a breath of fresh air because I get to experience every day as I can communicate freely without feeling bad about myself or insecure in any form.
Boyowa Amuka

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