First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton, TX You will find answers here! Thu, 16 Jan 2025 21:22:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 165111101 Gaining Confidence in Prayer to Heal Fri, 17 Jan 2025 21:15:31 +0000  5336303183543506000
5 year old Christi healed


When I was five years old, my mother, brother and I fell ill for several weeks, and the doctor said that we kids needed to get our tonsils out. Mom regularly took us to the Christian Science Sunday School, but my dad was not a Christian Scientist, so the decision was made to do the surgery.
The doctors promised us as much ice cream as we could eat after the operation. But when I woke up, I was experiencing more pain than I had ever felt before—more than I had dreamed anyone could ever feel. They brought the ice cream, but I was frightened to even swallow, much less to put food in my mouth first. I refused to even drink water. Then I passed out from the pain.
That was the experience from my point of view. My mom, of course, was watching and was appalled to see both her children suffering so.
When I got older, she told me that it had seemed easier to just use medicine every time we were sick, because that’s what my dad used, and she didn’t feel confident in knowing how to pray for her children. But at that moment, seeing what we were going through, she determined she would never put us through such a thing again—from then on, she would rely on Christian Science.
A couple of days after we got home from the hospital, I came down with the mumps, which I had picked up in the children’s ward. My mom started praying, but felt overwhelmed.
As mom told me the story years later, she was working hard to keep my brother away from me, because the mumps were supposed to be a very contagious disease. But she had to leave my room to fetch something, and when she got back, he was standing beside me, drinking from my glass of water.
Just then the phone rang. In despair she went to answer it, and found it was my Sunday School teacher, who happened to be a Christian Science practitioner. This kind lady was calling because it had been a month and a half since we had come to class, and she wanted to make sure everything was OK.
My mom broke into tears, telling her the whole, sad story of us all being sick and we kids having surgery, and now, just when we got home, I had come down with the mumps and my brother had just drunk out of my glass and he was going to get them, too.
That dear, sweet lady listened to the whole thing with a Christly thought and said, “Christi doesn’t have the mumps and Carey’s not going to get them.”
And that was that. I was healed and my brother never got sick.
I am very grateful for this healing. It brought the practice of Christian Science into our home. Witnessing that instantaneous healing gave my mom the confidence she needed that she could trust her children to God.
Before this, whenever I felt ill, Mom gave me a tablespoon of terrible-tasting medicine and put me to bed. I remember just lying there, feeling sick, and wishing I didn’t feel sick.
But after this healing, I always found immediate help. If I told mom I didn’t feel well, she would become very calm and quiet, put me someplace comfortable, and start talking to me about God. She would say simple things that a child could understand, such as: God is good, and He couldn’t make anything bad. And if He couldn’t make anything bad, then I couldn’t have anything bad. But she never spoke in a rote way. The words were different every time, but felt natural and suited to the situation. Years later, she told me that she would simply ask God what to say, and the ideas would just pour in. I remember those ideas feeling like cold water in a hot desert, and I always immediately felt better.
The trust in relying on God that I gained from those healings carried over into my adult life, and have led to more healings than I can count. For this I am very grateful.

Christi Lupher

Austin, Tx

Healed of Leg Pain Step by Step Tue, 28 Mar 2023 17:00:12 +0000 Healed Step-by-Step
Walking, we move forward step-by-step. In March of 2020, I started experiencing shooting pain in my
leg. As an avid backpacker, this was most depressing for me. The pain crippled my mobility and seemed
to coincide with the crippling effects that the COVID shutdown was having on our country. Our family
travel club business lost 85% of our repeat customers and virtually all of our revenue. There was some
fear of losing our business and the investment we had put into it.
Although I was working with a Christian Science practitioner on both the leg and the business issue,
neither situation changed. It came to me to analyze the reasons why people would join a travel club.
These were many of the same reasons why I enjoyed being part of the long-distance backpacking
community: camaraderie with like-minded travelers, an economical way to travel and to have
adventures, to make memories, and a way to get out of your comfort zone, bless others, and see God’s
beautiful world with new friends.
The common thread with the travel club members and with hiking friends is that we all loved (and
missed) travel. Although the government prohibited travel during the COVID lockdowns, the idea came
to me to hold “virtual” travel events each week with club members. Each Sunday evening for two years
club members met online for an hour and took turns presenting slide shows of fun places that they had
traveled. This was indeed a divinely inspired idea.
Putting together a weekly travel presentation, often with a 10-minute cooking segment of exotic
recipes, was a lot of work but very rewarding. It was great to see travel friends from the USA and
around the world. We laughed a lot and shared adventures from many foreign countries and beautiful
domestic places. We kept the club together. Although we didn’t have revenue during this period, we
were blessed by the camaraderie. We did step out of our comfort zone and gave presentations. And we
made plans for the future when a more salubrious atmosphere would permit travel. Spiritually speaking
we had lost nothing.
In February 2022, I was invited to join a group of Christian Scientists for a week-long mountaineer trip
that July, in which we would backpack then climb a 14-thousand-foot mountain. As the trip approached
I still could not walk without pain. The Practitioner helped me isolate in my thought what was keeping
me from having a healing. First, the pain, and second, I was afraid of going on the trip and messing it up
for the other ten hikers. A revelation came to me in the form of a question: What are two things that
God did not make? Pain. And fear.
The Practitioner advised that I approach the trip step-by-step. I went on the trip and prayed with every
single step, knowing logically that, if God did not make pain, then it could not be in my experience. As
for the fear, the group of hikers with whom I would be backpacking were so kind and thoughtful that I
could do nothing to mess up their experience. We had a beautiful week out in nature: every vista was
like a tour through God’s art gallery, full of joy and sharing. Peaking the 14’er was truly uplifting.
After our return to camp, we held a debrief at which we shared gratitude. I had not told the others,
until that point, about the problems that had been trying to overcome. They had comments like, “Dude,
you crushed it.” The healing was so complete that I returned to the mountains a month later to climb
another 14’er, still using the approach of praying step-by-step.

Jack Kavanagh

Laplata Peak Lunch
Mountain Top Climb
Little Child Healed of Burns – “Nothing Can Get in Between You and God” Mon, 13 Mar 2023 17:16:47 +0000

One morning I was specifically praying about “more soul, less body.” The lesson that week was about Soul and Body, perfect for what I needed to work on. The golden text and responsive reading set my thought straight by declaring man as God-made, never alone without God, and guided and guarded by God. God believes in us, is rooting for us and is on our side always. Instructions to give gratitude, rejoice and share joy were also gleaned from those opening citations.

I related God’s omnipresent Love to be so big that it fills every nook and cranny. Divine Love is in my pocket. He is with my spouse while he is at work as well as being home with me. He is under my child’s helmet as she rides her bicycle. He is closer to my infant than I am when I hold him. My safety is holding me close in great, big arms of love! Man can never fallout of God’s care.
My prayers continued with expressing the right we have to be free as beloved children of God. That expressing gratitude, spreading joy and loving our neighbors as ourselves are prayer in action. Shutting the door to any thought unlike good keeps our consciousness tuned to good therefore gaining more understanding and ready to receive more blessings.


I had just finished emailing this treatment when I heard a scream downstairs. My thought was pretty in-tune with God’s goodness so I silently declared that all was well. I didn’t feel like I was needed downstairs since Tyson, my husband,  was with Eevy (the screamer).
After a few minutes I heard a sniffling child coming up the stairs. Tyson was holding Eevy who had calmed down but was shirtless with red marks on her upper body. Tyson began telling me the story behind the scream. Eevy had pulled a much desired bag of marshmallows off the counter and with it came Tyson’s mug of fresh brewed coffee. I told Tyson I didn’t need to hear anymore of the story and sat down with Eevy. I told her all the truths I had just emailed to another patient.

God is with you always. He’s got you wrapped up so tight in His big arms of love that nothing can get in between God and you. (Not even coffee!)

Eevy was concerned that she smelled like coffee, so I suggested to her that she could take a bath. She likes baths. I anticipated the bath would distract her from her tender skin. I immediately deflected the suggestion that water hitting her skin could be painful. I also refuse to look at the seeming burns. As soon as Eevy was in the bath, she forgot all about the coffee incident. The joy of bathing and playing with her toys completely replaced the pain she felt and the smell of the coffee.  When she declared herself clean, I took her out, toweled her off and when I was putting a fresh shirt on I noticed there were no redness or any evidence of a burn.

“Glory to God!” I shouted. We are so thankful 🙂

So whatever blesses one, blesses all!

Shared with Love.

Davya Flaharty

Healed Of Burns
Little Child Healed of Burns
Praying on my own at tennis camp Fri, 24 Feb 2023 21:56:01 +0000 Praying on my own at tennis camp I was healed.


I went to tennis camp one summer when I was a freshman in high school.  It was one of the first times I had been away from home on my own. We played tennis every day from early morning to evening.  I was really having fun and improving my game.   One day on the tennis court, I was moving from side to side running farther and farther from one side of the court to another; I “rolled” or twisted my ankle very severely.  At that moment, I had a deep desire to keep playing tennis and keep expressing God’s qualities of agility and freedom. I was praying but I became a little nervous. The coaches and other players who had seen my ankle unnaturally twist let out a huge gasp of concern and worry.  I stuck with the truth of my being that we are taught in Christian Science.  There were no other Christian Scientist there to support me; my parents were not there.   I was all by myself. I realized, I had to be my own Christian Science practitioner, a person who helps us pray when we are ill or hurt.   My thought went immediately to God who was my ever-present help. I claimed my spiritual identity as his child.    In my thought, I knew I was safely held as God’s idea.  I could never be out of his care for even a moment.  Those around me were very concerned and thought I would not be able to continue playing.  But the healing happened instantaneously; I never felt any pain.  I went right back out onto the court and continued playing.

Anna Christian McMullen


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Healing at Tennis Camp
Story of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton Part 9 Completion Mon, 20 Feb 2023 21:22:56 +0000 20220904 120001
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton 2020-22 Update completed

We have completed the 2020-2022 Update of First Church of Christ Scientist, Denton

The chairs are in, the sound system has been updated, the foyer furniture arrived, and all bills have been paid.  We are done with this update and all are so very grateful!

Please join us on a Wednesday night testimony meeting, Saturday morning reading room time or Sunday morning service.  We would love to give you a tour.


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First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton 2021 Update Proposal


Discovery Bound Ballpark Adventure Wed, 17 Aug 2022 17:20:40 +0000

Register Today!!

DB Outreach National Event 2022 happening in Texas – Teens and Adults

“Man is the family name for all ideas, – the sons and daughters of God. All that God imparts moves in accord with Him, reflecting goodness and power.”
S&H 515:21 (Event Metaphysical Theme)

Teens Register Here | Adults Register Here | Financial Aid | Download Flyer

Ballpark Adventures!

Put on your ball cap, grab your glove and join us for a special baseball adventure during the National Event 2022! We’ll kick off the afternoon with a private ballpark tour of Globe Life Field, then enjoy an inspirational talk, and then watch the Texas Rangers vs. Detroit Tigers game from a private pavilion with an unlimited buffet dinner!

If you are not able to attend this event in person, check out the DIY National Event planning guide on our website and join us for a virtual inspiring talk on August 14. Everyone can join in the fun – no matter where you are!

Who: Teens grades 6–12, adults, and their friends of all faiths.

When: Saturday, August 27, 2022 | 2pm – 9pm CT


2pm–4pm Globe Life Field Tour
734 Stadium Dr, Arlington, TX 76011

4:30 pm–5:00pm Inspirational Talk

5:30pm-–9pm Texas Rangers vs. Detroit Tigers
Buffet Dinner provided

*Additional day-of details and logistics will be shared in a planning guide sent to those who have registered.*

Event Cost:
Teens grades 6–12: $20
Adults: $30

Registration Deadline:

For Tour & Game: August 18, 2022

For Game Only*: August 24, 2022

* Cost is $30 regardless of whether you attend just the tour or just the game.

Financial Aid is available for both teens and adults! Submit an application below for up to 50% of the registration fee and up to $75 for lodging if you stay Friday or Saturday night to come to our event!

Recommendation for hotel:
La Quinta Inn & Suites – Arlington North
825 N Watson Rd, Arlington, TX 76011

Recommendation for Church (Sunday)
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Arlington, TX
3218 W Arkansas Ln, Arlington, TX 76016  (10:00 a.m.)

First Church of Christ, Scientist, North Richland Hills
7318 NE Loop 820, N. Richland Hills, TX 76180

QUESTIONS: Contact Katie Stewart at 303-376-7572 or 


This event is generously underwritten by the Asher Student Foundation and other partners.

Saved at Sea Fri, 13 May 2022 17:02:48 +0000 20220429 185935
Saved at Sea a testimony of God’s care and ever-presence

“I found myself on the verge of panic….. I immediately started praying…”

My senior year in college my husband and I went to the Florida Keys for Labor Day weekend and decided to go scuba diving by ourselves – just renting tanks and heading out on our own. We had a general idea of where the reef was so we loaded a rental boat and headed that direction.

It was a beautiful day with blue sky and puffy clouds, but there was a good bit of wind and about 6 foot seas. We motored out to where we thought the edge of the reef was, cut the engine, dropped the anchor in the sand and made sure it was set. Since the water was murky we decided to descend down the anchor line. I remember seeing the line above the water and reaching for it, but just as I went under the surface it disappeared and my hand closed on nothing. We were only in about 30 ft of water, so I knew we’d see it when we got below the waves and the water cleared.

When we reached the bottom I was disappointed to find that we’d completely missed the reef. We had known we were dropping our anchor in sand, (we didn’t want to hit the reef with the anchor), but it was ALL sand and seagrass – no reef in sight. This was my main focus for the first few moments. Meanwhile, my husband was looking for the anchor but couldn’t find it. He signaled to go up, and when we reached the surface the boat was nowhere in sight.

I immediately found myself struggling with a profound sense of fear. In the 6 ft seas, we could see nothing but water towering above us on both sides, except for the brief instants when we reached the crest of each wave. Then for just that moment we could see the boat – which was surprisingly far away considering how short a time it had been since I had reached for that anchor line. We were about 3 miles off shore, so that was also visible at the crest of each wave, but I had no idea if we could swim that far. And if we were caught in a current, which I didn’t know how to determine, we would have to swim faster than the current to make it to shore, in which case we might just exhaust ourselves and get swept away.

              My husband was much more calm than I was and decided that since we were responsible for the boat, we should swim for that and try to catch it. So we started. I quickly felt hopeless. We were digging through the water, unable to see anything except more water, so it felt like there was no forward progress. And whenever we did crest the top of a wave we had to pause in our swimming to look for the boat. It was farther away each time we stopped – the wind was pushing it faster than we could swim.

              I found myself on the verge of panic – I’d never really known what that was before, but surrounded by ocean I felt that if I didn’t keep complete control of my thought, I was going to tip over a precipice where I would just be screaming and thrashing in the water. That terrified me more than anything else – that sense that I was about to lose control of myself.

I immediately started praying, but it was a challenge because I didn’t seem to be able to think clearly. Two ideas came to me though, and I held to them. The first was a half-remembered quote from Adam Dickey’s article, “God’s Law of Adjustment,” which says: “If a man were drowning in mid-ocean with apparently no human help at hand, there is a law of God which, when rightly appealed to, would bring about his rescue.” I couldn’t remember the whole thing, just the sense of it. The second thought was a few words of what Paul said to the Greeks in Athens (Acts 17:25): “…he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things….” It was just a snippet, but it was the snippet I needed. I clung to those two ideas, especially the second one since the loss of “life, and breath, and all things” seemed to be what was threatening.

At one point we passed a stationary buoy and I suggested we swim to it and hold on till somebody came by in a boat – which might take days, for all we knew – but at least then we would know we weren’t being swept away in a current. My husband had a very strong sense that the right thing to do was to swim for the boat because we were responsible for it. But I thought the buoy might be our last chance, and I was utterly terrified to keep swimming into the ocean after a boat that was moving faster than we were. So I faced the choice of sticking together and following my husband’s highest sense of right, or breaking apart and following my own sense of terror. I chose my husband.

And I kept praying, “He giveth to all, life and breath and all things.”

I swam the crawl stroke, because it was the most efficient, but the unremitting walls of grey waves were so dispiriting that I sometimes flipped over and did a backstroke so I could see the blue sky. I remember thinking how out of place it seemed – I was utterly filled with terror, and here was this glorious, calm expression of beauty from wave top to wave top above us. I clung to it as an expression of God’s presence, and just kept reminding myself that “He giveth to all, life and breath and all things… “

Finally at the top of one wave, the boat had changed position. Every time we had looked before it was broadside to the wind, getting shoved further away. This time it had swung around with its bow toward us, so we knew the anchor had finally caught. We kept swimming and now every time we paused to look, the boat was a little bigger. There was no physical guarantee that it wouldn’t come lose again and sail away before we reached it, so I kept turning to God for our guarantees: there’s a law of God that can rescue even a man lost in the ocean; and He giveth to all life and breath and all things.

The boat did stay put; we finally grabbed the anchor line and pulled ourselves onboard. I was unspeakably grateful. And in the years since, as the challenges of work and marriage and parenthood have arisen, I’ve been especially grateful to have had this demonstration of God’s “very present help in trouble” to look back on and realize that no matter how humanly helpless a situation looks, it is never out of the reach of God’s care.


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The Story of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton Part 8: Flooring Mon, 09 May 2022 23:35:26 +0000 Making Progress: Flooring, Children’s room,  Bathrooms, Piano, Organ, Sunday School….

Carpet Tile in the sanctuary

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It is so exciting to see the progress. Eric Scortia Of Las Colina’s Music cleaned and tuned the organ and piano.


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The Foyer has all excess furniture removed, new paint, new transom window, new flooring



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28 mil commercial grade Luxury Vinyl Plank in the Foyer

Sunday School is brighter with New lighting, window treatments, paint and LVT plank flooring.  Clutter has been cleared away


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The Children’s room is relocated and organized with colorful accents

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Bathrooms are freshened up and all the 1965 looks are updated

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Just a few more steps and we will be done with this phase of the project.  Our new chairs are coming in August and new painted quotes for the walls are also on the way.  New sound system?  We are working on it!  Keep an eye out for an invitation to our open house this fall.

In Tune with God’s Law of Harmony Even if the Truck Rolls Over Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:45:32 +0000


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In tune with God’s law of harmony       

By Davya Flaharty

I woke up today feeling so in tune with God. It must be the high from back to back Wednesday testimony meetings last night, I thought to myself! I called into one and was First Reader for my local branch meeting. Wonderful testimonies were shared about God’s love and protection and I felt it so presently. What wonderful preparation it was!


Later that morning, I was singing and playing guitar, practicing hymns for an upcoming CedarS hymn sing I would be leading. I got a phone call from my husband, Tyson. He said he was just in a car accident and the car rolled but he and the dog were OK. I heard voices in the background saying, “you should go to the hospital.” Sirens were blaring too. But I kept hearing Tyson’s calm voice saying he was ok. He laughed because he could hardly believe it himself! I stuck to the truth. The true, clear voice of my husband, echoed by Divine Love, our protector, stating he was completely fine. God was on the scene—long before the police, long before the ambulance and fire trucks, even before the offending vehicle’s tires began to slide on the ice through the stop sign. God was already there because that’s how great God is. His care was already in place before I knew anyone needed it. His omnipresence and omniscience are palpable when we lean on His guidance. His goodness is reflected everywhere. 


Tyson had to talk to the police arriving on the scene, so I told him I would be there shortly to help handle our dog and help with whatever human stuff needed to be done. I reached out to some friends to continue to pray while I made some insurance and logistical phone calls. While driving, my mind flooded with the hymn I had just been singing, hymn 584, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” I just recorded this hymn with my duet partner for our upcoming album. So it’s one that’s been at the forefront of my thought for several weeks. What a perfect hymn for my situation! The second verse reads “though I walk through darkest days, I won’t be afraid for Love’s here beside me to protect me and show me the way.” I sang it all the way to the scene in complete awe of God’s orchestration and the unfoldment of protection for all involved in the crash. 


Along the way, firetrucks rushed to another vehicle accident. I knew God was already on the scene, providing his ever-present safety and protection. I saw the drivers standing by their rolled-over truck, safe. Mary Baker Eddy asks us, “why should we stand aghast at nothingness”(SH 563:7)? What is truly amazing is God’s law of harmony! God’s timing! God’s orchestration! I felt like how David probably felt, who was unimpressed by Goliath and “ran” to meet the 10 foot giant wearing 126 pounds of brass armor, holding a spear and a shield (1 Sam 17). I was not impressed by the news of this rollover accident or any other vehicle accident I came upon.


I arrived on the scene, gave Tyson a big, grateful hug and helped our dog into my car. I joined the conversation with the police officer and the father of the other driver (the driver walked back to school to get to his next class—unfortunately his lunch period did not go according to plan). We exchanged necessary information, took pictures and expressed gratitude for everyone’s safety and extreme efficiency of the entire process.


From a human standpoint, the situation was almost too simple. Everything serendipitously worked out. My human brain, or mortal mind, kept nagging at me saying, THIS IS TRAUMATIC, this is supposed to be HARD and MORE WORK than it was. But everything unfolded so harmoniously. Isn’t that how it should always be? When we let go, and let God, His law of harmony can go to work. We need to get out of the way. Our only job is to reflect. God is doing the orchestrating part, in God‘s timing and according to God’s law. God is so good that way! All we have to do is listen for direction. Only when we hear that divine, inspiring thought do we then lift a finger and act on that practical task. 


The tow truck on the scene pulled Tyson’s car upright (it had rolled onto the driver side).  The operator started the car. It roared to life! Tyson got in and drove it forward and back and with a smile and a shoulder hunch said, “works just fine!” He drove it home with me following behind in my car. The other vehicle was towed to a repair shop. The entire event lasted only 45 minutes.


                                   Let His omniscience guide our day to day.


What lessons did we learn today? I was certainly struck with the realization of God’s immediacy. (Sometimes we need reminders!) The other driver got a very practical lesson in winter driving. Our current spring weather has a lot of daytime thawing and flooding which freezes hard overnight when the temperature drops. This makes the road treacherous. Cue Divine Mind! Let His omniscience guide our day to day.


We, humans, don’t have to overwhelm ourselves or carry the burden of fixing everything or making sure everything‘s done correctly. God is good! He has it all worked out. We have a divine right to go about our days with joy and witness all the good unfolding around us. Do not fall into the trap of mortal mind! No one is ever in the wrong place at the wrong time. To say mother nature or “an act of God” caused these conditions that lead to accidents is not correct. God is not the cause of bad things. God is not in storms, wars, ice, “not in the wind…earthquake…fire,” etc (I Kings 19:11-12). He is there, with arms open, ready to receive you and comfort you.


What a glorious way to wake up! With a heart overflowing with love and this knowledge of safety, protection and comfort. It is time to praise and sing some more. What song will I wake up with tomorrow?


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The Story of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denton Part 7: Color! Sat, 02 Apr 2022 22:03:16 +0000 The FCCS, Denton Remodel:  Color!
The church gets a color update.  Walls are painted, a stain glass feature is specially designed. Candy Anderson, Interior Designer, choose the color SCHEME.  Shiplap is added to the walls and ceiling for a fresh updated – yet cozy feel.  New lighting is added to the ceiling giving the appearance of skylights creating a bright sun lit space.

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Stain glass

The new stain glass is chosen.  The membership was given several options and chose the design above presented by Art Glass Ensembles of Denton.  The glass for the crown is Antique Amber sandblasted glass dating to 1910.  It originally hung in St Peter’s lutheran Church in North Wales, PA.  We are honored to have it.



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